If you click inside, you can start typing. The rectangle created is called text area and defines the maximum contours of your text. So just choose one and click and drag on the preview. The difference between the two is the letters orientation: the Type Tool types text normally, whereas the vertical one puts one letter under the previous one. To create simple text, simply choose between Type and Vertical Type Tool. On top you have the main text properties, such as font or size at the bottom different ready text templates and, on the right, the full list of properties for the text. You can change its placement, to see if the text in progress fits. In particular this shows your video project where your playhead is. More at the bottom other tools to adjust the text distribution. On the left, on top, you have all tools to edit and create text.

If you don't find one, tick it in the Window section. This is composed by different panels put together. With this window, you set anything regarding the text appearance. For simplicity, set the same resolution of your project. This is meant to define the maximum space allowed for your text. In the new dialog box, choose the resolution of the text. Choose one of the three options, it's the same. You can add some text going to Title section, and then to New Title. Let's suppose to have this simple video project. Leave feedbacks if you find mistakes in pronunciation. Hi there! Let's see how to add Text with Adobe Premiere Pro CC.