However, it is possible that for some reason these services stop working, preventing you from opening the Nvidia Control Panel.

Normally, your computer will start these services automatically when you turn it on. Several services must be running on your computer for the Nvidia Control Panel to work. Some programs, including the Nvidia Control Panel, may not work correctly if this feature is enabled. However, there is a price to pay for this. The QuickStart feature in Windows 10 shortens your computer’s boot time and provides a faster boot process. The panel will only work if you have an Nvidia video card with correct and working drivers installed on your computer. One of the main reasons why the Nvidia Control Panel doesn’t open is because your computer is using faulty or outdated video card drivers. What causes the “Nvidia Control Panel won’t open” problem?

Reinstall the driver through the NVIDIA GeForce Experience.Disabling the quick launch option in Windows.Temporarily disable the antivirus software.How to solve the “Nvidia Control Panel won’t open” issue?.What causes the “Nvidia Control Panel won’t open” problem?.