"projectcreatedtext": "Imported files will be copied into the project folder.", "projectcreatedtitle": "Project created!", "newassetstext": "New assets are available! Restart Mine-imator to download them.", "removetip": "Remove this project from the recent list.", "upgradetip": "You're running the Trial version of Mine-imator. "forumstip": "Visit the Mine-imator forums.", "tutorialstip": "Watch some helpful video tutorials about Mine-imator's features.", "websitetip": "Visit the Mine-imator website.", "openprojecttip": "Open an existing project.", "newprojecttip": "Create a new project.", "credits2tip": "Click to visit the Minecraft site.", "credits1tip": "Click to visit David's site.",

Copy and rename this to begin creating your own translation.", "description": "Mine-imator language file.